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初中初一英语作文:A busy month(忙碌的一个月)

2021-07-22 13:16:40  来源:来源网络,若有侵权请联系站长QQ:3525669808
  初中初一英语作文:A busy month(忙碌的一个月)。暑假来临,小编为大家准备了一些英语小知识,趣味英语学习,在知识的海洋里遨游。成都学而思1对1的小编为大家收集整理了初中初一英语作文:A busy month(忙碌的一个月)。
      初中初一英语作文:A busy month(忙碌的一个月)
    It’s in April now。 This mouth may be the busiest one during half of my high school life。 There are some arrangements for the month below:
It’s in April now。 This mouth may be the busiest one during half of my high school life。 There are some arrangements for the month below:
April。2nd The Composition Contest for Chucai Cup
April. 2nd The Composition Contest for Chucai Cup
April。9th Biology
April. 9th Biology
April。17th Hope Cup
April. 17th Hope Cup
April。26th & 27th the Mid term examinations
April. 26th & 27th the Mid term examinations
During the whole month finish a plan for the competition of class meetings
Besides these, I also have to swim in the sea of homework, and I’m not willing to give up any precious time for sleeping at the same time。 So I felt that days has suddenly became short。 Complaints came almost every day at first, but now I got used to this kind of lifestyle。 Maybe busy life is suitable for me。
Besides these, I also have to swim in the sea of homework, and I’m not willing to give up any precious time for sleeping at the same time。 So I felt that days has suddenly became short。 Complaints came almost every day at first, but now I got used to this kind of lifestyle。 Maybe busy life is suitable for me。
When I got up in the morning, I started thinking about the things I had to finish。 Then I would be afraid of wasting a second so I should finish the plans one be one。 At last, I would feel tired。 Sleeping is more important than the unfinished things。 I went to bed and slept soundly soon。 All day I only do two things-working and resting, thus I have no time to go off into wild flights of fancy。 “Never trouble troubles until trouble troubles you!” Now I think that I have no time to trouble troubles except some difficulties of my wok trouble me!
   初中初一英语作文:A busy month(忙碌的一个月)已经为大家准备好,希望大家再接再厉,勇往直前。欢迎拨打400-810-2680;咨询学而思1对1课程,学而思1对1致力于小初高1对1学科类课程服务。用科技推动教育进步。点击链接加入群聊【成都小学资料分享群】:QQ648692527;点击链接加入群聊【成都初中资料分享群】:QQ397755459;点击链接加入群聊【成都高中资料分享群】:QQ651207579
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