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2018-09-01 21:15:15  来源:来源网络
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【新高考福利】备考规划+全科复习资料[ 戳我下载 ]
  A Trip by Car
     I often make a trip by trains because it s both cheap and comfortable. Last winter holidays I traveled in a car for the first time in my life. At first I didn t feel well. But this kind of feeling didn t last long. the trip was exciting. While travelling in a car, we could stop at any time if we wanted to enjoy the view outside. the fields, the mountains and rivers were really very nice. On the way we visited many places of interest and took a lot of photos. It was an unforgettable experience for me.
Do Not Give Up
     There is a saying said that don t give up forever.When I was a child,my teachers often told that don t give up,and the hope was always there.
     Whenever we meet with a problem,however hard the problem is,we shouldn t stop our work.We must have a faith that the most beautiful view will come in after the most high hill.There are also many examples,such as Zhang Haidi,Zheng ZHihua,Helen Keller and so on,they all had a bad life,but they all successed by their efforts.
     In a word,if we have dreams,we should do our best to come true our dreams,we shouldn t give up!
My Opinion on Cheating in Examinations
     It is known to us all that some students cheat in examinations at school.
     As students, we often take examinations at school, but sometimes we have too many examinations which are too difficult for us. On the other hand, some of us are lazy and don't work hard at their lessons. So when taking examinations, they sometimes cheat in order to get better results to please their parents and teachers.
     In my opinion, it is wrong to cheat in examinations because it breaks the rules of schools. We students should be honest and try to get good results by studying hard instead of cheating in examinations. What's more, we should improve our study methods and get well prepared for examinations.
Our Lovely Home
     We are now living in a common home. That is the earth. She provides us with enough food, enough water and enough living room. So we must do everything to protect her. There are lots of big or small, red or green, beautiful gardens around us .But there are still some other lands bare of grasses or trees on the earth. Some people may ask why not led all lands covered with trees, flowers and grasses? Why not prevent the lands from being desert? Why not prevent the air from being polluted? And why not prevent the earth from being poisoned? Yes! Our environment is being polluted faster than nature and man s efforts can prevent. Time is bring us more people, and more people will bring us more industry. So many trees will be cut down, and more large cities will be set up. Lots of waste material, in return, is produced and harms the environment. So some experts declare that the balance of nature is being destroyed. The survival of man is in danger. We feel really sad about it. What can we do to solve this problem? We must forbid cutting down trees and forbid killing animals and pouring waste water into rivers and so on. We ll never destroy the balance of nature. Let s get along well with all animals. Let the trees, flowers and grasses come back to our home. Because we have only one home --- the earth.
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