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2017年成都中考英语完形填空第 17篇精选

2017-03-15 13:17:42  来源:网络整理

2017年成都中考英语完形填空第 17篇精选!完型填空是中考可能会功课型,同学们需要多加训练,下面是英语完型填空练题目,供大家参考。



The computer plays an important part in our everyday life. It is one of the great __1__ in the world in the __2__ century. It works for us not only at home, in the offices, in big shops, __3__ at schools. Today it is used __4__ many ways. It really __5__ the world large wealth (财富) and happiness.

  The first computer in the world was __6__ Enid. It was built in America in 1946. It was __7__ and heavy. __8__ it was born, it has been developing very fast. Until now it has gone __9__ four periods(时期,阶段)and changed a lot. There’re many kinds of computers. Computers are getting smaller and smaller and computing faster and faster. It becomes more and more __10__.

  The computer can do most of the things __11__ the people. It can help us to __12__ about the real world more quickly, to learn __13__ we want to learn and to think __14__ ourselves. __15__ a student in the twenty-first century, you must work hard at it.

  1. A. inventions B. discoveries C. robots D. inventors

  2. A. twenty-first B. twenties C. twelfth D. twentieth

  3. A. also B. but also C. too D. either

  4. A. in B. to C. by D. over

  5. A. takes B. helps C. gets D. brings

  6. A. found B. invented C. called D. bought

  7. A. easy B. small C. large D. light

  8. A. For B. Until C. When D. Since

  9. A. by B. across C. through D. against

  10.A. serious B. harmful. C. dangerous D. helpful

  11.A. for B. to C. at D. with

  12.A. set B. tell C. know D. talk

  13.A. what B. that C. which D. who

  14.A. of B. about C. out D. for

  15.A. For B. Be C. As D. To





1. A。one of 后要用可数名词的复数形式,根据文章意思,可知答案是A。

  2. D。要表达第几个世纪,应该用“序数词+century”,而根据常识,机是二十世纪的产物,A项“二十一世纪”与实际不符合。

  3. B。固定搭配not only…but (also)… 意思是“不但……而且……”。所以答案是B。

  4. A。in many ways为一固定用法,表示“在许多方面”。

  5. D。根据文章大意,可知答案是D,表示“给人们带来财富和快乐”。

  6. C。因为Enid是名字,故用called。

  7. C。根据常识可知老式机庞大而笨重,故填large。

  8. D。该句句意为“自它诞生之日起,它的发展就非常迅速”,since在意思和时态上与主句呼应,为正确选项。

  9. C。动词短语go through表示“经历……”。

  10. D。

  11. A。用介词for+宾语表示“为人们做事”,故选A。

  12. C。know about表示“了解”,侧重于有关某人或某事的具体情况。

  13. A。learn后面接的是一个宾语从句,而且连接词在从句中做learn 的宾语,所以只能用what,因为that在宾语从句中是纯连词,只能起连接作用,不能做句子成分。

  14. D。think of表示“想起;认为”;think about表示“考虑”;think out表示“想出”;根据文章含义,答案应是D。

  15. C。介词as表示“作为”,为正确选项。

2017年成都中考英语完形填空第 17篇精选!就给大家整理到这里了,如果大家还有什么问题的话,请直接拨打免费咨询电话:4000-121-121!有专业的老师为您解答!有专业的老师为您解答!或者直接加入初中qq群:230753443老师为你在线答疑!还可以微信搜索“成都智康1对1”微信号:cdzhikang,更多学习资料等你下载!
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