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成都2017年中考英语B卷高频词每日总结 第一天

2017-11-16 10:04:05  来源:成都学而思1对1




conversation    n. 会话,对话    
have a conversation with someone  与某人对话

功课回顾:have a phone conversation with me  与我电话交谈

make a phone call to someone 给某人打电话
converse  v.   converse with someone 与某人对话
pronounciation   n. 发音     pronounce  v. 发音

例句:Can you pronounce the word correctly?

sentence    n.句子(可数名词)  
sentence    v. 判刑   sentence sb. to death 判某人死刑
expression   n.表达,表情,短语    
express  v. 表达

功课回顾:people around the world express their sadness for the victims

secret  n. 秘密 adj.秘密的    secretary  n. 秘书
a secret admirer   暗恋者(今天是情人节,特此补充~~)
note   n. 笔记  take notes 记笔记   notebook  笔记本
note   v. 提出,指出

例句:He noted that the suspect was ignorant.

speed  n. 速度   at the speed of 50km/h  以50千米每小时的速度
ability   n.能力    able  adj.   be able to do sth 能做某事    disabled  adj. 残疾的
brain    n. 大脑    brainstorm  头脑风暴  
与mind的区别:brain侧重于生理结构上的大脑,mind侧重于意志和想法,常见短语:change one’s mind 改变某人的想法  in my mind  在我脑海里
mind   v. 介意 
Do you mind if I open the window? 
Do you mind my opening the window?
Do you mind me opening the window?
attention   n.注意力  pay attention to 关注,注意到  

功课回顾:catch/attract  one’s  attention   吸引某人的注意力

例句:May I have your attention, please?

knowledge  n. 知识    have the knowledge of biology  有生物学方面的知识
know   v. 知道  known  adj. 有名的  be well-known for = be famous for 以什么出名
discover   v. 发现   discovery  n. 发现
cover   n. 封面  Don’t judge a book by its cover. 不要以貌取人
       v. 覆盖   The road is covered with snow.   be covered with sth. 被覆盖了什么
repeat    v. 重复  repeated   adj. 重复的, repeatedly  adv.
increase   v. 增加    increasingly popular = more and more popular
decrease   v. 减少   the price has decreased by 20%.
drop  v. (价格)降低  

the price has dropped by 2 yuan.(功课回顾)

born   adj. 出生   be born with a gift 与生俱来某种天赋
                  be born to be a singer  生来注定成为一名歌手
bear  v. 容忍、忍受、生育    bear a baby  生一个小孩
bear- bore - born    I was born on the morning of November 1st, 1999.
create   v.创造   例句:God created men .
creative  adj. 有创造力的     creation 名词

graduate-graduation    create-creation   communicate- communication   inflate-inflation
connect  v. 连接,联系   connect  A with B  将A与B联系起来
connection   n. 联系

【近义词组】be related to  与什么有关联
review   v.&n. 复习,评论   preview  v. 预习
patient   n. 病人  
patient   adj. 耐心的  be patient with
patience  n. 耐心
active   adj. 活跃的,积极的  activity  n. 活动
take an active part in the activities  积极参加活动
take part in 参加    
do/play one’s part in 承担某方面的责任
功课回顾:We should do our part in doing housework.


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